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Sunday, October 31, 2010

20 Weeks, Half Way There!

20 Weeks

I am almost at the end of 20 weeks and feel pretty good! It's hard to believe I am half way through this pregnancy and we are that much closer to meeting our little guy. It seems that most of my weight gain has been in the stomach area, so I can't imagine what this bump will look like in another 15 weeks.

I am finally feeling our baby boy move around. He is quite active in the evening or maybe it's just because I am relaxing and paying more attention.  Most of the time it still feels like a flutter but there have been a few moments where the movements have been much stronger and really surprised me. I can't wait for Ryan to feel him too because it is one of the best feelings in the world!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a cute pregnant lady! You are glowing! Yay for babies!
