Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Who Does Finn Look Like?

I am asked this question all the time so I decided to give this link a try. Looks like he is a McLain by a smidge! We tried this same link with a younger picture of Finn and we were 50/50. It will be neat to see what it says in a few more months.

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph

Our New Home!

A family photo taken by Claire Blackhart
Wow, it has been a very busy July and August. I have so much to share! My goal was to update the blog at least once a month and I'm already behind.

July Highlights:
* Our first family photo shoot in our home in NC with the talented Claire Blackhart.
* We said goodbye to our first home on Red Bird Lane and to many wonderful friends we met while living in the sunny state of North Carolina.
* We moved to Powell, Ohio, and love the condo we are renting until we find a home to purchase. The best part of our new home? We are within walking distance to three delicious ice cream stores. Dangerous for my weight but still very exciting! We love this area so much we are going to begin our house hunt here.
* Ryan was hired as a part-time associate dentist at Dr. Ralston's office in Clintonville. He is also subbing at various offices in Columbus.
*We bought a Columbus Zoo membership and took Finn on his first trip to the zoo. It was a very hot day so we didn't stay long. However, we live about three miles from the zoo so we have made numerous trips back to see different animals.
* Finn visited his new doctor in Westerville for his 4 month check-up. He weighed 14 pounds and 14 ounces (38%). In length, he measured almost 26 inches (70%). Overall, the doctor said he was growing and developing right on target. We are so blessed to have a happy and healthy baby boy.

Family photos taken by Claire Blackhart in our Hampstead home


My favorite one! That pouty lip gets me every time. 

Ryan says goodbye to the wonderful staff at Camp Geiger.
All the lovely ladies from Children's Learning Center. I miss you already!
Our last trip to Topsail Island before moving. 

This picture sums up our last few visits to the beach before we moved.  Maybe next year he will like it a little better.
Goodbye little house on Red Bird Lane. We hope your new owners will love you as much as we did!
Daddy's last day in uniform.

First trip to the Zoo

August Highlights:
* Finn's new favorite: Mac! No one can make Finn laugh like Mac can. He just sees that crazy little pup come around the corner and he smiles. It's the sweetest thing.
* We took a family weekend trip to the Cincinnati Zoo, Children's Museum and Ikea.
* I got a job! I am working at Glen Oak Elementary as a Title 1 teacher. A lot of mixed feelings about leaving Finn for the first time but also happy to be working in a school again with a lot of great teachers and students. 
* Finn started eating rice cereal and he rolls continuously to explore everything around him. He now prefers to be on his tummy or his side rather than his back. On the last day of August, he started babbling "dada." 

First taste of rice cereal
"OK, maybe I like it..." 

"That was GOOD!" 
Swinging on the front porch with Grandma Dee
Cincinnati Zoo
"Look I found me at Ikea."

Fun at the Children's Museum

He was all smiles and giggles when Aunt Megan put on a puppet show.

Took a break from playing to pose with Uncle Nate and Aunt Megan
Water Play
 Callie especially loved the water area!